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Healing the soil.
Restoring the soul.

The Surprising and Powerful Message of Ecotheology.

Eco: A habitat or environment. From the Greek “Oiko,” the house. 


Theology: The study of God. 


Ecotheology: The study & stewardship of God’s house, our planet. 


Ecotheology is how we bring the spiritual realm into the ecological realm, and what we’re doing to take care of what God’s entrusted to us – our home, our earth.


It’s bringing two issues together that should have never been separated. 


Man's first job was to be the image bearer of God himself and how we are supposed to take care of and to be part of the creation.


Ecotheology is bringing these concepts together. It brings the spiritual realm and the physical realm where they coexist.


By investing in this concept, we’re committing to be intentional and thoughtful process of bringing restoration to God’s creation.


Image by Ric Matkowski

"If we follow the model of agriculture as God designed it – to mimic nature – it will bring peace and hope and stability."

Beyond that is the concept of “integrated ecology,” which integrates community, the ecological realm, and the spiritual realm together. It brings the human ecosystem into the picture of the earth’s ecology.


In our Western cultures, we love delineation and distinction. 


But in Eastern cultures – original biblical cultures – everything was intimate and integrated. 


They understood connectedness & relationship. So the whole purpose of ecotheology is bringing the construct and relationship back to all these realms so that humans have the right framework on how to facilitate healing in the ecosystem, in the community, and in relationship to God, too.

Image by Tim Davies

Intentional, Integrated Healing.

God is doing three things on the planet that most people are not attuned to: 


He has already started the healing process of God-to-man, man-to-man and man-to-ecology.


Helping people tune in to that reality, that integration, that healing process - that’s at the core of Ray’s passion and message.

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